Schedule on the day
Registration desk opens
Course practice (30 min)
C Grade (30 min)
Mighty Cross (20 min)
Course practice (30 min)
Registration closes
(after this time, you can still collect your chip if you entered online)
B Grade (45 min)
A Grade (60 min) – CX bikes only
Course packdown (many hands make light work)

Club membership
Thanks to you all for being patient while we cranked up the old Huttcross admin machine in the background. Club membership for 2023 which gives automatic entry to all of our proposed 5 race series is now live via the ONETIME platform. Get in while the going is good as we are just over 2 weeks away from the first race.
Now in the interest of transparency we have had to raise the price for club membership a bit this year as the costs associated with running races have all been rising (#inflation). We have tried to keep this to a reasonable level and it does cover 5 races this season so we think $100 is still great value.
If you just want to play it by ear and enter race by race that is also cool but will set you back a bit more at $30 a throw, and $5 for the Mightycrossers. Race 1 is set down for the tropical sea side resort of Hikoikoi Reserve on 21 May and you can enter just Race 1 below.
If you are a family that crosses together then register yo'selves all at the same time. 3 or more registrations on the same ONETIME profile should receive a discount at checkout.